Monroe-Utah Hot Springs, Ocean Gold, Mother of Platinum inside Bowl 7" F-15
Monroe-Utah Hot Springs, Ocean Gold, Mother of Platinum inside Bowl 7" F-15
Monroe-Utah Hot Springs, Ocean Gold, Mother of Platinum Bowl
Note: F (-15) - Heart Chakra
Size: 7" (17.7cm)
Energetic Signatures:
Monroe Springs - This Bowl is all about connecting one with the Earth. Its energy creates a warm embrace, comforting like a mother's womb. It allows one to soak up the different elements and minerals from the healing Monroe Springs through sound.
Ocean Gold - It can enhance the immune system and the thymus gland by combining Neptunian pearl-like waveforms with playful dolphin pod and whale energies encouraging a loving clarity of communication.
Mother of Platinum - It is a natural fusion of pure quartz and platinum creating a fullness of the spirit energy of Venus, the matriarchal goddess of love. Influential, powerful and effective in working through emotional issues.