Crystal Bowl of Light

Imperial Topaz, White Light Angel Gold Bowl , 7" G-25

Imperial Topaz, White Light Angel Gold Bowl , 7" G-25

Imperial Topaz, White Light Angel Gold Bowl
Note: G (-25) - Throat Chakra 
Size: 7" (17.7cm)

Energetic Signatures:

The golden ray of manifestation, Divine will in ones life. Imperial Topaz fosters the tuning of one's desires and creativity into more lucid channeling and dreaming with a super-clearing of the emotional body to align, enliven, and bring life force in for manifesting one's pure intention. This alchemy has a potent calming effect on the adrenals, keeping one's focus on their highest vision. Use this gem tonality to accelerate big shifts of awareness and avoid getting pulled back into old frequencies. Push through limitations into the next levels of awareness. Imperial

Topaz will resonate with the energy that will help draw us to others that embrace similar harmonic fields.

White Light Aura Gold - It presents the perspective of everything being connected through energy. This alchemy opens the possibility to access the Akashic records that are a compendium of all knowledge and emotion which has been experienced by energy conscious entities since the beginning of our existence.

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