Crystal Bowl of Light

Black Tourmaline Frosted Bowl 8" C#+40™

Black Tourmaline Frosted Bowl 8" C#+40™

Black Tourmaline Frosted Bowl
Note: C# (+40) - Gonads/Sexual Glands
Size: 8" (20.3 cm)

Energetic Signatures:
Black Tourmaline - The ultimate purification and guardian bowl, Black Tourmaline transmutes anything in life that keeps you from living your divine purpose, enlightening you to be fully aware, fully present, and fully empowered.

Black tourmaline protests against cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attack, spells and ill-wishing, and negative energies of all kinds. Connecting with the base chakra, it grounds energy and increases physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress. Clearing negative thoughts, black tourmaline promotes a laid-back attitude and objective neutrality with clear, rational thought processes. It encourages a positive attitude, no matter what the circumstances. It also activates the throat and third eye chakras and stimulates the urge for spiritual freedom and clarity of Self-expression. This color aids psychic awareness, promotes visions, and opens the way for service to others, encouraging fidelity, ethics. tolerance, and a love of truth, It carries the ray of peace and dissolves sadness and blocked feelings, bringing them up gently to the surface to be healed and dissipated, and assists in developing an inner sense of responsibility. This stone promotes living in harmony with the environment. It is an excellent stone for healers, as it prevents negativity from sticking.

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